Thursday, March 7, 2013


This is my first posting for the blog OfficeInc.. Basically this is a running diary of my life in corporate america. No one will be mentioned with their real names nor the actual company but the stories are true. They will be created in a short essay format. Hope you enjoy..

The story is hard to believe. Lunches stolen, sandwiches eaten, cupcakes, pudding ect. Who did it, why, how do we catch him? The company is sinking yet the top level management is transfixed by the stolen lunches. Cameras installed, threats are made, investigation by hr conducted. To no avail.. yet everyone in the rank and file knows who it is... Its Johnny, the lunch time stoner who gets hungry and eats everyones food. He steals off quietly to the back parking lot lights up and to happy land he goes. Eats up a storm of fresh homemade food and goes to sleep. oh and sleep he does. At his desk, on the floor, in the break room... Caught he was as well.... what does Johnny do?. He gets a note from his doctor declaring a medical condition called narcolepsy... amazing, his job is safe, sleeping at every turn and stoning he will go.. As far as the lunch stealing- its subsided. $10K in electronics and they have stopped the bandit. 

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